Interfaces, Classes, Traits and Enums
- Component
- Interface for the components, the V in MVC.
- Controller
- Interface for Controllers, the C in MVC.
- Document
- A Document is a standalone component, that can't be wrapped inside another component.
- Import
- Iterface for importing request data.
- Base
- A generic php superclass.
- Cache
- A Cache node in the Caching graph.
- CacheWrapper
- Wrap an object inside a CacheWrapper to cache all method calls and properties.
- Collection
- Collection: Array on Steriods Provides a filtering, sorting, events and other utility functions for collections.
- Csv
- Een generieke snelle manier om een csv bestand in te lezen.
- Curl
- Curl, an HTTP/FTP response object Simplifies asynchronous requests & paralell downloads.
- Connection
- A PDO Database class with additional debugging functions.
- DatabaseCollection
- DatabaseCollection a Collection interface to a database result.
- PreparedStatement
- A PDOStatment subclass that logs prepared statements.
- SessionHandler
- Sessie gegevens 'centraal' opslaan in een database Hierdoor kan een Loadbalancer in 'round robin' mode draaien.
- Sql
- Query object to mutate and generate (complex) SQL queries.
- Statement
- PDOStatement override Adds Countable to the Database results.
- Autoloader
- Load class and interface definitions on demand.
- DebugR
- DebugR, send additional debugging information via HTTP heders.
- Dump
- Parses a var_dump() and renders a syntax highlighted version of var_export().
- ErrorHandler
- Improved errorhandling for php notices, warnings, errors and uncaught exceptions.
- Logger
- Logging and reporting.
- PhpAnalyzer
- Statically Analyzes PHP code and collects data about class and interface usage and deflarations.
- PhpTokenizer
- A tokenizer that gives context to tokens of php internal tokenizer.
- Framework
- Container voor Sledgehammer Framework functions - Module detection and initialisation - Language & locale initialisation.
- Html
- Html, a view compatible class for rendering raw html.
- HtmlTokenizer
- Een tokenizer voor htmlcode.
- HttpAuthentication
- Basic HTTP autentication.
- InfoException
- An exception with additonal information for the ErrorHander.
- Json
- Renders the data as Json Compatible with MVC's the Document/View inferface.
- Stopwatch
- Helper class for manual performance profiling.
- TagIterator
- Een iterator die de tags uit htmlcode haalt.
- Text
- Text, a string class for handeling (multibyte) strings with OOP syntax Modelled after the C# String class.
- Url
- Utility class for generating and manipulating urls.
- CodeAnalysisTest
- Scan PHP code for undefined classes.
- CompareEnvironments
- FlushCache
- Delete the contents of the $project/tmp/ or /tmp/sledgehammer-$hash/ folder.
- GenerateStaticAutoLoader
- Run the generate_static_library.php script from DevUtils.
- PearInstaller
- PearInstaller, installs PEAR packages into your project folder.
- RequiredPhpExtensionsTest
- Controleer of alle benodige php extenties geinstalleerd zijn.
- Wrapper
- Wrap the object/array into container object Allow filters and accesscontrol to any object or array.
- Canvas
- Drawing lines, rectangles, etc.
- Composition
- A composition with layers of Graphics objects, which acts as a single graphics object.
- Graphics
- The Graphics class, the baseclass for all Graphics classes.
- Image
- An image from a .png, .jpg, .gif, or .bmp file.
- TextGraphics
- A layer for advanced text rendering.
- ThumbnailFolder
- Een Virtual folder die aan de hand van de mapnaam de afmetingen van de thumbnail bepaald.
- TrueTypeFont
- ycTIN - TTF class Get the information tables from TrueType font file.
- Video
- Uses ffmpeg to extract frames, or to convert a video.
- Alert
- A single alert message.
- Breadcrumbs
- Breadcrumb Navigation.
- Button
- A button element.
- DescriptionList
- A Description list <dl><dt><dd></dl>.
- Dialog
- A dialog popup with where selected choice is posted back the server.
- Element
- Baseclass for components based on an html element.
- Form
- Generate and import a Form.
- Headers
- Add Headers to any Component.
- HttpError
- HTTP error page Sends the correct HTTP header and displays an page with the error.
- Input
- An <input>, <textarea> or <select> element.
- Nav
- Nav, tabs, and pills Highly customizable list-style navigation.
- Pagination
- << 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 42 >>.
- Template
- Een component voor het weergeven van php-templates.
- CrudFolder
- Folder for basic CRUD operations on a Repository model.
- File
- Send a file from the filesystem.
- Jsonp
- Renders the data as in a Jsonp wrapper.
- Page
- The container for generating html pages.
- Proxy
- Serve the http headers and contents of a remote url as a local file.
- Redirect
- The MVC alternative to the redirect() function.
- Xml
- Render XML output.
- Folder
- Superclasse van de Virtuele mappen.
- ActiveRecord
- An ActiveRecord frontend for the Repository.
- ArrayRepositoryBackend
- A RepositoryBackend for 1 model stored in an array.
- DatabaseRepositoryBackend
- Repository backend for database records.
- RepositoryBackend
- The minimal interface for a (read-only) Repository Backend.
- ModelBehavior
- Overwrite the behavior for models. Sits bewteen the RepositoryBackend and the Repository.
- SoftDeleteBehavior
- Instead of deleting a record toggle a flag.
- BelongsToPlaceholder
- This Placeholder facilitates lazy loading of belongsTo relations.
- CollectionView
- Extract the key/value of the collection based on a propertypath.
- HasManyPlaceholder
- This Placeholder facilitates lazy loading of hasMany relations.
- Inflector
- The Inflector transforms words from singular to plural and from plural to singular.
- Junction
- A entry in a many-to-many relation where the link/bridge table has additional fields.
- ModelConfig
- Model configuration class, a formal definition of a Repository model.
- Repository
- Repository/DataMapper.
- RepositoryCollection
- A Collection containing repository instances.
- RepositoryCollectionIterator
- Helper class for the RepositoryCollection, which converts data to the mode instances when needed.
- SimpleRecord
- An ActiveRecord with (generated) properties based on the ModelConfig->properties.
- EventEmitter
- EventEmitter.
- Singleton
- Adds singleton behavior to a class.
Table of Contents
- dump() : string|void
- Dumps information about a variable, like var_dump() but with improved syntax and coloring.
- debugr() : DebugR
- Shorthand for sending DebugR messages.
- value() : mixed
- Return the value of a variable or return null if the valiable not exist. (Prevents "Undefined variable" notices) WARNING! As a side-effect non existing variables are set to null.
- array_value() : mixed
- Return the value of the array element or return null if the element doesn't exist. (Prevents "Undefined index" notices).
- error() : mixed
- Report a fatal error (and stop executing).
- warning() : mixed
- Report a warning.
- notice() : mixed
- Report a notice.
- deprecated() : mixed
- Report deprecated functionality.
- report_exception() : mixed
- Report an exception.
- image() : Image
- Shorthand for creating an Image object.
- imagecreatefrombmp() : resource
- Create a GD resource from a BMP file.
- component_to_string() : string
- Geeft de uitvoer van een component als string.
- is_valid_component() : bool
- Check if $component is compatible with the Component interface, otherwise report notices.
- implode_xml_parameters() : string
- Zet een array om naar xml/html parameters; array('x' => 'y') wordt ' x="y"'.
- explode_xml_parameters() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Zet een string met parameters om naar een array.
- merge_headers() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Merge the results from the $component->getHeaders().
- append_class_to_parameters() : mixed
- Stel de $parameters['class'] in of voegt de $class toe aan de $parameters['class'].
- tidy_id() : mixed
- ID and NAME must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
- render() : mixed
- render($component) is an alias to $component->render() but render($component) generates a notice when the $component isn't a component compatible object instead of an fatal error.
- is_component() : bool
- Check if $component is compatible with the Component interface via ducktyping.
- javascript_once() : mixed
- Genereer een <script src=""> tag, mits deze al een keer gegenereerd is.
- getRepository() : DefaultRepository|Repository
- Get a Repository by ID This allows instances to reference a Repository by id instead of a full php reference. Keeping the (var_)dump clean.
Dumps information about a variable, like var_dump() but with improved syntax and coloring.
dump(mixed $variable[, bool $export = false ]) : string|void
- $variable : mixed
- $export : bool = false
Return values
string|void —debugr()
Shorthand for sending DebugR messages.
debugr([mixed $variable = null ]) : DebugR
debugr()->log($var); instead of \Sledgehammer\DebugR::log($var); debugr($var); instead of \Sledgehammer\DebugR::dump($var).
- $variable : mixed = null
Return values
DebugR —value()
Return the value of a variable or return null if the valiable not exist. (Prevents "Undefined variable" notices) WARNING! As a side-effect non existing variables are set to null.
value(mixed &$variable) : mixed
If you pass array element to value($var['index'])
and $var didn't exist, an array is created: array('index' => null)
Use \Sledgehammer\array_value() which doesn't have this side effect for array.
Example: if (value($_GET['foo']) == 'bar') { instead of if (isset($_GET['foo']) && $_GET['foo'] == 'bar') {
- $variable : mixed
Return values
mixed —array_value()
Return the value of the array element or return null if the element doesn't exist. (Prevents "Undefined index" notices).
array_value(array<string|int, mixed> $array, string $key) : mixed
Example: if (\Sledgehammer\array_value($_GET, 'foo') == 'bar') { instead of if (isset($_GET['foo']) && $_GET['foo'] == 'bar') {
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
- $key : string
Return values
mixed —error()
Report a fatal error (and stop executing).
error(string $message[, mixed $information = null ]) : mixed
It's preferred to throw Exceptions, which allows the calling code to react to the error.
- $message : string
The error
- $information : mixed = null
[optional] Additional information
Return values
mixed —warning()
Report a warning.
warning(string $message[, mixed $information = null ]) : mixed
- $message : string
The warning
- $information : mixed = null
[optional] Additional information
Return values
mixed —notice()
Report a notice.
notice(string $message[, mixed $information = null ]) : mixed
- $message : string
The notice
- $information : mixed = null
[optional] Additional information
Return values
mixed —deprecated()
Report deprecated functionality.
deprecated([string $message = 'This functionality will no longer be supported in upcomming releases' ][, mixed $information = null ]) : mixed
- $message : string = 'This functionality will no longer be supported in upcomming releases'
The message
- $information : mixed = null
[optional] Additional information
Return values
mixed —report_exception()
Report an exception.
report_exception(Exception $exception) : mixed
- $exception : Exception
Return values
mixed —image()
Shorthand for creating an Image object.
image(string $filename) : Image
- $filename : string
Return values
Image —imagecreatefrombmp()
Create a GD resource from a BMP file.
imagecreatefrombmp(string $filename) : resource
- $filename : string
Return values
resource —gd
Geeft de uitvoer van een component als string.
component_to_string(Component $component) : string
(Uitvoer zoals emails en header() worden niet afgevangen).
- $component : Component
Return values
string —is_valid_component()
Check if $component is compatible with the Component interface, otherwise report notices.
is_valid_component([Component &$component = '__UNDEFINED__' ]) : bool
- $component : Component = '__UNDEFINED__'
Return values
bool —implode_xml_parameters()
Zet een array om naar xml/html parameters; array('x' => 'y') wordt ' x="y"'.
implode_xml_parameters(array<string|int, mixed> $parameterArray[, string $charset = 'UTF-8' ]) : string
- $parameterArray : array<string|int, mixed>
- $charset : string = 'UTF-8'
De charset van de parameters (voor htmlentities). Standaard wordt de charset van het actieve document gebruikt.
Return values
string —explode_xml_parameters()
Zet een string met parameters om naar een array.
explode_xml_parameters(string $parameterString) : array<string|int, mixed>
' x="y"' wordt array('x' => 'y').
- $parameterString : string
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —merge_headers()
Merge the results from the $component->getHeaders().
merge_headers(array<string|int, mixed> $headers, array<string|int, mixed>|Component $component) : array<string|int, mixed>
The headers from the $component overwrites the values in $headers.
- $headers : array<string|int, mixed>
- $component : array<string|int, mixed>|Component
A component or header array
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —append_class_to_parameters()
Stel de $parameters['class'] in of voegt de $class toe aan de $parameters['class'].
append_class_to_parameters(string $class, array<string|int, mixed> &$parameters) : mixed
- $class : string
- $parameters : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
mixed —tidy_id()
ID and NAME must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".").
tidy_id(mixed $cdata) : mixed
- $cdata : mixed
Return values
mixed —render()
render($component) is an alias to $component->render() but render($component) generates a notice when the $component isn't a component compatible object instead of an fatal error.
render(mixed $component) : mixed
- $component : mixed
Return values
mixed —is_component()
Check if $component is compatible with the Component interface via ducktyping.
is_component([Component &$component = '__UNDEFINED__' ]) : bool
- $component : Component = '__UNDEFINED__'
Return values
bool —javascript_once()
Genereer een <script src=""> tag, mits deze al een keer gegenereerd is.
javascript_once(string $src[, string $identifier = null ]) : mixed
- $src : string
- $identifier : string = null
Return values
mixed —getRepository()
Get a Repository by ID This allows instances to reference a Repository by id instead of a full php reference. Keeping the (var_)dump clean.
getRepository([string $id = 'default' ]) : DefaultRepository|Repository
- $id : string = 'default'